Our Big Blogs

PSD2 Event processor Apache Flink

BIG Industries helps retail banks modernise in a customer-friendly way

Use case PSD2 Event Processor with Apache Kafka and Flink BIG Industries recently helped a retail bank with a new feature to ...
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Exploring Messaging and Streaming Technologies Part6: Redpanda

In this latest installment of Francine Anestis's series on Messaging and Streaming technologies,...

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dbt Explained

In the expansive world of data engineering, dbt (data build tool) has carved out a distinct niche....

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Exploring Messaging and Streaming Technologies Part5: Google Pub/Sub

This is the fifth article in a series of articles by Francine Anestis, where she looks at different...

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Exploring Messaging and Streaming Technologies Part4: AWS Kinesis

The fourth technology Francine Anestis is covering in the series "Exploring Messaging and...

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Geospatial Big Data at Big Industries PART II: How?

Recap: why GeoMesa?

As described in an earlier post, at Big Industries we make use of...

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Exploring Messaging and Streaming Technologies Part3: Azure Event Hubs

Following the series “Exploring Messaging and Streaming Technologies”, in Part 3, Francine Anestis...

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Exploring Messaging and Streaming Technologies Part2: Apache Pulsar

Francine Anestis writes a series of articles about various Messaging and Streaming technologies....

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Celebrating 1Oth Anniversary: Big Industries goes Montenegro

This year we celebrated the 1Oth Anniversary of our company with an exclusive edition of our...

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Kudos to Jutter & Bhagavan

If you grow as an employee, the company grows as well. That’s why we decided to setup the Big...

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Exploring Messaging and Streaming Technologies Part1: Apache Kafka

This is the first article in a series of articles by Francine Anestis, where she looks at...

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The top notch technologies we use set us apart from other consultancies